• FliteTest Interview

    FliteTest was kind enough to talk to Demetris (Creator of the OSRC System) about the features of the system and at the same time answer some of the questions that were gathered throughout the RC community. Chad and Josh talk about features such as RF Cloud, modularity of the whole system and why it was important to have these and many other unique features in a single project.

    Although the video does not fully explain all features, it gives a great opportunity to meet Demetris and get an overall idea about the history of the project and its future through the eyes of the creator.

    Feel free to browse through other videos on the OSRC YouTube channel to find out more about the system or head to the Forum with your own questions or suggestions.

    Don't forget to check out the OSRC Facebook site as well, where many news and daily updates take place while working on different features of the system. Post your comments there as well, like the site and contribute to the effort.

  • Detailed Description

    In this video the designer of the OSRC (Open Source Remote Control) system goes through all major features and talks about the benefits they hold. The video was mainly created to address most of the questions that gathered through the OSRC as well as other forums, comments on YouTube, E-mails and other social media.

    Although it was impossible to describe the entire system in a single video, most functions, hardware accessories and the over all details are described in this presentation, giving a more complete understanding of how the OSRC system works and why it is important.

    You can read more about specifications and features each module of the system has in the Products section of the website. For more videos don't hesitate to visit the OSRC YouTube channel.

OSRC Sources 1
  • OSRC Sources

    Although i suspended the project, i still get E-mails every day about information regarding OSRC and its designs. Although it is sad to see that even in the year 2016 there are very few equivalent systems (if any) since the day i designed this prototype which was almost 6 years ago now. Since i started this project as an Open Source initiative, it only feels natural that i end it as

OSRC is suspended 2
  • OSRC is suspended

    Dear all, unfortunately despite my efforts to gather the funding required for manufacturing OSRC, through the last IndieGoGo campaign, i am suspending the project and moving on. It was a great experience and truly a massive effort on my part to bring what i still believe to be a unique and innovative remote control system to the masses. The project was complex and yet provided everything any RC user may eve

Ilios Website & OSRC IndieGoGo Campaign 3
  • Ilios Website & OSRC IndieGoGo Campaign

    I would like to inform all Ilios 3D printer customers that the Ilios website, Shop and other content has been moved to its dedicated website. This is done to separate the Ilios content from OSRC and not to confuse Ilios users. Please note the new Ilios website which is http://www.ilios3d.com

Shop Discount and a new Facebook Page 4
  • Shop Discount and a new Facebook Page

    To separate the Ilios 3D printer from the OSRC project and make things more organized, a dedicated Facebook page for our Ilios 3D printer was created. I re-posted everything related to Ilios, starting from the time it was being designed up to


5 - Lift Assembly


The Lift is what shall hold your model while it is being built. It was designed to accommodate the large build area of the Ilios Kit and includes all the necessary hardware to complete these steps. Please note that the kit contains glass parts and you should always be careful when handling them. Although the glass has already been sanded, it doesn't mean you should neglect and respect this material.

Step 1  

1 x Lift Base Front

1 x Lift Base Back

2 x Lift Base

1 x Nuts & Bolts bag

4 x 50x50mm Plastic Caps

1 x 28x28mm Black Glass (5mm thick)

Make sure you have all the parts that are displayed in the image above, before you proceed with this assembly.  
 Step 2  
 Get the 6mm Bolt, 2 washers and the 6mm nut from the Nuts and Bolts bag.  Position the 2 washers and the bolt as shown in the picture above. Make sure the bolt is sitting on both washers and secure loosely the nut on the other side. The bolt should be inside the part as shown.
 Step 3  
Take the Lift Base and slide it through the nut as shown on the image. Tighten it slightly to stay in place for now.  Align the parts as shown, so they are flush to each other and tighten the bolts a bit more but not all the way. We shall align the parts later on when the entire assembly is complete.
 Do the same for the other Lift Base but don't tighten everything all the way just yet.  Add the second Lift base flat as shown on the picture, tightening the bolts all the way now so that the assembly remains straight.
 Step 4  
Get the corner brackets and the corresponding 5mm bolt and Oval Sliding nut.  Attach the bolts and nuts as shown on the picture. Make sure NOT to tighten them for now, since this shall have to slide into the assembly slots later on.
Slide the brackets as shown and make sure the walls of the corner brackets are facing outwards (esthetic reasons)  There shall be markings on the parts for alignment. Slide the corners as close to those markings as possible but don't tighten the assembly until it is on the machine.
 Step 5  
Feel free to add the Plastic Caps now, sealing the ends of the assembly.  When done, the plastic caps should look like on the image. Do this for all 4 sides of the assembly.
 Step 6  
 In the bag you shall find the 5mm bolts to secure the Lift on the Motion Base. Use them on the corner brackets as shown in the next assembly image.  Secure the Lift Base onto the Motion Base as shown. Tighten the bolts all the way now and make sure everything is as level as possible.

 From the above image you can see the finished assembly. An additional option is to glue the Black glass onto the lift assembly with the included Epoxy. However it is recommended to first use the machine with the Aluminum surface since it tends to stick a bit better to the initial layers of the build.

Small VAT & Lift

For those who purchased the Small VAT & Lift, both assemblies already come fully assembled. All you need to do is mount the VAT and Lift on the machine. The Small VAT mounts the same way as the large one so no explanation should be needed.

In the image above you can see how the Small Lift is mounted on the Lift Arm. The screw holes should already be on the arm so all you need to do is mount the lift as shown. If you purchased Both Large and Small lifts then use the bolts provided from ether assembly.

Above is another view of the Small Lift from the other side.

Congratulations, we are almost done. One last assembly remains and you shall be able to use the Ilios Kit to build models.

Written by Demetris Zavorotnitsienko

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  • We're getting there
    OSFlyerWiz 10 years ago
    Thank you for that wonderfully sarcastic commend Iauger :) That is exactly what i need for motivation ...
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    iauger 10 years ago
    Are you still on schedule for a Spring release? "The solstice heralds the beginning of summer in the ...
  • We're getting there
    ed_mann 10 years ago
    This is so good to hear. I am really looking forward to getting one of these controllers. I might ...

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