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Root Menu

We begin the description from the Root Menu. Before setting up anything related to your model, there are many customizations and functions that must be properly configured to suit your equipment best as well as incorporate your own look and feel into the unit.

General Settings

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Anything and everything related to global Main Unit settings can be found in this section. Alter the Default Home Screen, channel absolute values, channel count and many other features which fall under this category. The General Settings menu is where you will find options that do not fit into any other category. These settings are basically what they sound like General. In this section of the User Interface you shall find options for defining the Home Screen, Backlight setup and other options. The General Settings consist of 2 pages, with 5 options on each one. Below you shall find explanations for each option on all available pages of this menu. DefaultSc - Default Screen As explained in the General User Interface Description, each section of the User Interface contains an ID number, seen on the top left corner of the screen next to its name. By defining the appropriate number, the...
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FPV Settings

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Specifically designed for FPV functions, this menu will provide you with the ability to alter settings such as Video Channel, Thumb Stick functionality and others. All designed to accommodate the FPV features OSRC can provide. The FPV section of the User Interface is dedicated to settings that control main functions of the Basic FPV setup. Through the settings described below, the operator may change how the FPV setup is configured and how functions related to it are presented. RX Chan-N - Video Receiver Channel Number If an FPVC Basic or Advanced module is present on the system and is properly configured through the OSRC Accessories menu, the operator shall be presented with the option to choose the channel on which the Video and Audio shall be received. The Video and Audio receiver located on both modules can function on 8 different channels for which the corresponding frequencies are: Channel NumberFrequency in...
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Data Preview

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May it be for debugging purposes or for other reasons, the operator has the ability to view in Rel Time, the response from each switch, button or stick through this menu. When the Data Preview menu is selected, the operator is taken to the available list of data that can be viewed. This section is mostly for those who need to test a switch, button or a stick in order to debug the system or simply try out different combinations and see what happens. Through this section it is possible to monitor the functionality of each switch, pot, stick and button through both Analog and Digital representations. This section of the User Interface is planned to host many other types of data preview that may become useful for the operator in the future. Although the list for the time being is short, it should grow quite rapidly since with the help...
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