Video, Documentation, Shipping and More!

Seasons ModelAt-last, the hard part is behind us. The Ilios machine produced its first results. The initial build, seen in this image was a test not only for the functionality of the machine but also for its endurance since during the build there were lots of tests done, like adding weights to the build lift, messing with the motors and doing stress tests while the machine was working. Needless to say, even with all the interference while in build mode, the machine outperformed with flying colors.

To demonstrate the Ilios HD Kit in action, a video was posted, which shows how the Seasons model was built and what the end result was. The resolution of each layer was set to a relatively simple 0.1mm layer thickness, to save time and present first results as soon as possible. Even with low resolutions of layers however, the final model was more than what i expected and the material rigidity after curing was superb. This project definitely was worth all the sleepless nights, hard work and effort since now there is a worthy tool to accommodate the manufacturing needs of OSRC parts and generally any build that needs to be made. Having a 3D printing machine definitely lifts a large weight off my shoulders and opens up door to many new directions and opportunities when it comes to design and creation.

From the video you can clearly see how the machine operates and what is actually the process while in operation. The build for this model took 2 and a half hours, even with a high layer count of 1319 images for a resolution of 0.1mm per layer.

The Model

To find out how the model was made and read a small story behind it, check out the Blog Post that was written to describe the thoughts of the 3D artist Taron and what the model means, since there is an idea behind every concept and lots more than meats the eye. The blog describes how the complex design came to life and explains the background of the 3D artist who made it specifically for the Ilios HD Kit.

The model can also be downloaded through the Files section of the website, for those who want to experiment on their own and try to recreate results, identical or similar to what was demonstrated in the video.

Make sure you have a good knowledge of 3D design or at least some idea of what shall be required to recreate the model since common 3D Printing packages may have difficulty opening and processing the model.


Ilios kits getting shipped through DHLHappy to say that the first Ilios Kits have already been shipped with the fastest possible way to their new owners. It took some time to get organized, make the documentation and set some workflow going to be able efficiently produce the kits, but after endless fabrication it becomes almost a habit.

If you want to get an Ilios HD Kit, please read the description in the Shop, since there are some lead times involved and time frames for ordering. If in doubt, use the Forum or the Contact Form to ask your questions.

If you are one of those who are still waiting for their kit, your wait is almost over. Now that the content for Ilios has been posted and articles written, i shall dedicate all my time to pack the rest of the machines and ship them with the same fast DHL service, so hold on and read the Documentation in the meantime. It will be much easier to assemble the kit, once you know what steps are needed and how to proceed in general. The Documentation images are quite clear and there is always help for you in the Forum or direct contact.

Unfortunately for the time being, the only shipping option available in the Shop is the default EMS Datapost shipping method, which although is normal post, doesn't take long to arrive and gets to you within approximately 2 weeks depending on your location. If you need shipping through other means, don't hesitate to ask for it through the Contact Form and pricing for the selected shipping solution shall be sent to you.


For those who shall be receiving their Ilios HD Kit, documentation on the assembly of the kit has already been posted in the "Documentation" section of the website. The instructions go step by step through the assembly process, showing you through pictures how to properly assemble each section of the machine.

Besides the parts for the assembly, you shall also find the tools and other items, needed for you to build the kit. PDMS for your VAT, Allen keys and other items are all included in the box and definitely make your life simpler when it comes to assembling a highly reliable machine like Ilios.

In the Documentation articles you are also free to comment if you have questions on a specific step and the info shall be corrected and you shall get all the help you need for building your kit the same way as it was meant to be built.

It is also a good idea to note that the "Where To Buy" link was removed from the main website menus. It was taking up useful space and someone who is really interested in the OSRC project can find the information easily by just browsing through the Blogs or news sections.

3D Printing Software

Happy to say that the Files section for 3D printing is constantly growing. Among the available files you shall find Models to build, software to slice your models and other tools that can help you build an object with as little hustle as possible.

Creation Workshop ScreenshotPerhaps a software package worth mentioning more than others is called Creation Workshop and although it might seem simple, it contains all the tools you would need to prepare your model for printing. I have also been in contact with its creator to find out if the software can be customized to support Ilios with some positive feedback and interesting discussions.

Remember that there are plenty of software solutions for using Ilios even without a dedicated package and although the Open Source community has been partially neglected when it comes to reliable and simple 3D printing solutions, hopefully it shall change with our Ilios project and help others create stunning results for their ideas or business.

Lots has been done and still lots to do. Hopefully, all this work has not been for nothing and the Ilios as well as OSRC projects can grow and flourish as soon as some budget is obtained from the Shop. Feel free to Order your Ilios Kit or material and other items for your 3D printing needs and help both projects in the process. Remember, we aren't here to get rich but to continue doing what we love and help others in the process.


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  • We're getting there
    OSFlyerWiz 10 years ago
    Thank you for that wonderfully sarcastic commend Iauger :) That is exactly what i need for motivation ...
  • We're getting there
    iauger 10 years ago
    Are you still on schedule for a Spring release? "The solstice heralds the beginning of summer in the ...
  • We're getting there
    ed_mann 10 years ago
    This is so good to hear. I am really looking forward to getting one of these controllers. I might ...
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