Working & Waiting


Demetris holding a projectorAlthough things may seem to have gone quiet, after the IndieGoGo campaign finished, a lot of things have been happening behind the scenes and on the website. First off, few days after the campaign was funded, all parts have been ordered. I am happy to say that the last projectors shall be picked up on Monday (25/02/2013) since not all were ordered from the same place. I have been informed that the mechanical parts for the Ilios 3D printer shall be shipped within the upcoming week, since they needed some machining on the spindles and the extrusions them selves. It is a killer to sit around and wait for the parts to arrive, i know, but once everything is here, work shall pick up really fast and should be quite exciting.

While i am waiting for the parts to arrive, i begun translating the website to Russian and Greek (as you may have noticed from the icons on top of the website). Many have been requesting for this feature for quite some time now and as always i am more than happy to help. All translations are written by hand (none of that automated stuff) and hopefully coherent enough for others to read. If you see a problem on the site in one of the above mentioned languages then please don't hesitate to mention it in the forum and i shall fix it right away.

Here i am, working on my fenceAs was mentioned in the campaign, i wasn't looking to get rich by the collection of funds but make an actual machine to work with, thus barely no additional cost was added to the price of the perks. Whatever funds were left i already spent on some good equipment to cut the aluminum extrusions and be able to drill them precisely. I shall post some pics of the equipment on the FaceBook page. Although i worked before with pretty much every common material and have tools to do household work like everyone else, never had the need to have a cutting wheel before nor a drill stand, so it was interesting to see how much those power tools actually cost.

For now these are all the news. I shall definitely be posting more once everything arrives so make sure to monitor the FaceBook page and Twitter for daily updates and progress.

Created on Saturday, 23 February 2013 12:26
Written by Demetris Zavorotnitsienko

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    OSFlyerWiz 10 years ago
    Thank you for that wonderfully sarcastic commend Iauger :) That is exactly what i need for motivation ...
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    ed_mann 10 years ago
    This is so good to hear. I am really looking forward to getting one of these controllers. I might ...
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