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Ilios HD SLA 3D Printer Build

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Based on the successful campaign on IndieGoGo to raise funds for an HD SLA 3D printer i shall be describing the build process of the first unit in this blog so that others can see it, comment on it and perhaps even learn something from it. Since the campaign ended i immediately begun preparing all the part lists to order and finalized as well as tweaked the design for a better look and performance.

As time goes by i shall be adding my progress to this blog for everyone to see and describe what i am doing in detail. Feel free to discuss the build in the Forum or comment on the blog it self. This should be quite enjoyable for me and a good break from OSRC development for a while so sit back and enjoy the build with me.

If you want to find out how the 3D printer is related to OSRC and why it is important, please make sure to read the blog on the OSRC Development & Manufacturing which explains the story behind OSRC from early stages.

Update: 07/02/2013

I am happy to say that the DLP projectors have already been ordered along with the aluminium (for US readers aluminum) parts for the frame. In few days i shall order the mechanical parts for the motion and the electronics. Should be a straight forward build once all parts are acquired and ready for assembly as well as modification.

Update: 16/02/2013

Parts started to arrive for our 3D printer. First things to come through post office are the projectors. Was a real pain to get them through customs though :) Try explaining why i need 5 projectors to those guys. Anyhow, that's done. Additionally the mechanical extrusions, linear slides and spindles have been ordered and should come shortly since these parts are from Europe (Germany) and shouldn't take long to get here.


I am also happy to say that the stepper motor and controllers are coming and should arrive approximately the same day as the mechanics, so we shall have all the parts pretty soon and shall begin building the machine. I did some minor adjustments to the design of the 3D printer to fit everything better and optimized few things for a more rigid result. There shall be lots of work on the site once the first machine is built since there are instructions that must be uploaded, new categories and naturally the shop must be activated. stay tuned. There is more to come soon and should be quite exciting.

Update: 08/03/2013

Finally the rest of the parts arrived. All of the aluminum extrusions, spindles, fasteners, motor mounts arrived in a pretty large crate, which weighed 280kg. It took a pickup truck and a forklift to get it into my garage. It was pretty exciting when i started opening the items, felt like Christmas came early for me. Most of the parts though are not for me but for those who so generously believed in the IndieGoGo campaign, since once the first machine is assembled, i shall immediately begin making it for those who are waiting for it as well.

alumin2.jpgWith the help from donations contributed to the project, i was able to get the power tools needed, for cutting and drilling the parts as required. Although it isn't the first time i had to work with this type of machinery, i didn't have a need to actually buy it until now. Should be quite fun to work with shiny new parts and wield them into a 3D printer.

Mechanical parts were not the only items to arrive. The motors and electronics for the machine came in as well, so we are ready now to push on with the actual build. Although i already made the machine in 3D (which was necessary in order to understand what parts i need and in what quantities), i also needed to convert the mechanical 3D design into drawings, for assembly and machining.


It's a bit early to post any designs at this point since there might be minor changes when i start making the printer. Once it is built and tested, a full list of plans and accessories shall be posted on the website, along with assembly instructions. Additionally i shall be posting the machine in the OSRC shop for everyone who wishes to get one.

drawing.jpgThe next step for the project now is to carefully cut all pieces, make the necessary holes and finally assemble everything. Although i don't want to rush things and make it right, i don't think this process shall take more than a week or so. So hopefully the next post shall be of the machine in its assembled form and ready to make parts. To get a bit more specific, i think that by the end of this month or early next, all machines, ordered through the IndieGoGo campaign, shall be shipped, since by that time the Instructions, additional info and naturally the shop should be functional.


Lots of work ahead and many unknowns, but we are on the correct path and one step closer to bringing OSRC to life. As always, if you want to monitor the progress in more detail, feel free to check out the Facebook page, where i post regular information about what is being done. Additionally you can also subscribe to my Twitter account and get info that way as well.

This update is also going to be described in the news article, which shall be posted shortly. I shall describe in more detail, information related to those who contributed to the IndieGoGo campaign. If you are one of those people then please check it out.

Update: 28/03/2013

Finally the machine is ready. After the final assembly and testing, all that remains is to wait for the final chemical to arrive (PDMS) and begin printing.

almost_there.jpgEverything has been oiled up and tested as far as the working of the entire build goes. Additionally, the plans for the Ilios machine have been posted in the Files section of the website, for those who want to see how it is built and perhaps even learn something from it.

I'm happy to say that the OSRC Shop has also been published. All the materials, colors for the materials, the Ilios HD Kit it self and other accessories can be found there. There are some rules for those who want to purchase the Ilios Kit so please read the product description.

In total there are 3 projectors that have been tested so far and fit in the Ilios projection compartment. If you want for a different projector to be supported then please specify it in the Forum so that the dimensions for the mounting holes can be created and published.

I went ahead and spoke to a very known 3D artist to create a 3D model as our initial build and perhaps even have it as a benchmark for others to follow. As soon as the first 3D build is done, you shall be able to download the model and see how Ilios operates through a video.

The next update in the blog shall also be the last, since the build is coming to an end more documentation and information about the machine is on its way so please be patient and keep monitoring the Facebook page or the News section.

Have been working with electronics for as long as i can remember. Always enjoyed making something new and having the pleasure of seeing it work at the end. One of my latest and i must say, greatest creations is OSRC - Open Source Remote Control. Finally i can work on a single project, devote my full attention towards it and improve it as much as possible, with help from the RC and general Open Source community.

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# Akcopter » 2013-02-12 06:57

Just cant stop saying the word AWESOME>>>>>>>! !!


# Akcopter » 2013-02-12 06:56

Hi Demetris,
I just checked out a lot of stuff about os-rc ,including your flite-test interview,and the rcgroups threads as well as other blogs And boy I must say this is truly divine and this concept will bring the rc-industry to its knees...the way I see see it is that if I own an os-rc , I don't need a separate LRS system for boosting my range , no need of fpv tx and rx no need of telemetry tx and rx , I wont even need a separate video screen, the battery would be inbuilt and no external charger will be required, the channel count and the model memory really stumps me ...I am truly flaber-gasted.. :oops: :oops: .i need to get my hands on this sytsem as soon as possible :o :lol: :lol: ...
I dont see a listing of the product anywhere ...are you still in the process of manufacturing enough units for sale ..or is there a listing I cant find...


# OSFlyerWiz » 2013-02-12 07:59


Indeed there is no need for additional hardware. That was the point of making OSRC. Glad you like it :)

There is a link in the Menu "Where to buy" to find out about the current status of the project. It isn't available yet but should be as soon as what i am currently doing is complete.


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