We're getting there


It has been a while since i posted an official news article on the site, although there has been plenty of activity through Facebook posts on my progress, so here is the latest on OSRC as well as Ilios. I am happy to say that finally i managed to build a new machine for my self, since the one i had, had to go due to a great demand of Ilios kits. The main goal of the machine was always to create parts for the OSRC project and i was always progressing on the project while trying to keep up with Ilios orders, but now i am finishing up the final design of the system and its accessories and will begin printing parts to test fit quite soon.

To boost my budget for OSRC as i am going into initial production and preparations for finalizing the design as well as getting the remainder of the parts, i prepared a discount of 10% for all who wish to get the Ilios Kit within the upcoming weeks (2 weeks to be exact from the day this post is made). So if you want to take advantage of the discount and get your kit for 10% less, check out the latest Facebook post and look for the coupon code, to enter in your cart upon checkout.

Based on many requests and suggestions, i also began sending the VAT for the Ilios kit with a special coating on the Glass surface, which eliminates the need for PDMS all together. Hopefully this will make your life easier and helps you produce great 3D prints faster.

I hope this discount helps you as much as it will help me since the time of designs is coming to an end and i shall be needing that extra push to make the OSRC system finally a reality, just as i always wanted it to be.

I never expected that Ilios, the 3D printer i built for my own project would become so useful to others with the same requirements. It hasn't been easy to keep up with all the Ilios orders lately but i was always trying to automate the process as much as possible since right now, although it isn't easy, doing this on my own is the most reasonable solution if i am to finish up the OSRC project.

From the pictures you can tell that my Automation system has progressed a lot since i showed initial pics of my robots. Currently, the process of cutting, machining as well as sorting the aluminium parts is completely automated, although i still am optimizing the system and am doing lots of work by hand so i don't waste even a precious minute and ship out kits as soon as possible. However, these robots and lots of other equipment i built and am still building, helps a ton and definitely was worth the time and energy i spent on it.

The Robotic Work Cell is modular and can hold fixtures for Ilios as well as OSRC assemblies, which will help a lot when it comes time to begin production of the system. Still lots to do but it is already paying off and is quite helpful when saving time in doing repetitive tasks.


Although i will not be revealing the OSRC system up until the very last minute before presenting it in the shop, i can already give out some info about some of the features that shall be present so you know what to expect.

Firstly the system will not look like any typical remote control you have seen so far. I have parted from the "Box" design and now the system is very much complex in its shape, more comfortable but also very much different in every aspect. The shape resembles more of an organic device than anything mechanical, although there is plenty of mechanics in the design.

The entire system is broken into several removable and interchangeable parts up to the very last detail so as you can imagine, it can be customized to accommodate UAV's, Boats, Cars or even something completely out of the ordinary with the available accessories and upgrades.

I also made the design with the DSLR build quality in mind so expect to see many metal parts which exist in the core of the system as well as its peripherals. The system also is water resistant and most probably will be water proof in the final production. There can be much debate about this but i felt that if i was going to make this thing the best it can be, it better stand to most of the harsh environment that you can throw at it.

Many parts are cast aluminium, others machined, 3D printed parts and naturally plastics are all a part of the system and hopefully the result shall not disappoint from esthetic as well as functional point of view. Don't worry though since the price will still be quite low and comparable to mid range RC system currently in the market.

For the time being this is all i can say I'm afraid about the system so hold on as i am progressing quite rapidly with the design and development of the project. Although i don't post much lately, i am always working on the system and haven't stopped nor will stop until it is released since that was my goal from the beginning. As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to take advantage of the forum or drop me a like on Facebook.

Created on Thursday, 15 May 2014 20:25
Published Date
Written by Demetris Zavorotnitsienko

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  • We're getting there
    OSFlyerWiz 10 years ago
    Thank you for that wonderfully sarcastic commend Iauger :) That is exactly what i need for motivation ...
  • We're getting there
    iauger 10 years ago
    Are you still on schedule for a Spring release? "The solstice heralds the beginning of summer in the ...
  • We're getting there
    ed_mann 10 years ago
    This is so good to hear. I am really looking forward to getting one of these controllers. I might ...
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